Here's a cool chart that you can customize the design, the chores, the colors, and more!
Focus on the Family shares an article about what ages should do a variety of chores, beginning with age 2. I'll be sharing some of this info at our first meeting. Did you know that at 2-3 years old a child should begin to make his bed, pick up toys, dust furniture and put dirty laundry in the basket?
In all my personal searching on this topic and on training my children, I came across this site & book. Now, this site is directed toward homeschooling, but there's just a TON that is applicable to all parents. This book is on my next to buy list. I've come to realize that having my children do chores isn't just they have something productive to do. It's not training them to clean up after themselves so that I don't have to. It's more than just teaching them to work hard and be responsible. In all of these things, we are training our children in the area of character! When we teach them to clean up after themselves, we are instilling the habit & character of neatness. When I make my children wash their hands, I want her to develop the habit of cleanliness. I want my children to get into such a habit of doing these good things, that they do them without me needing to tell them to do it each time. At the end of this process, the child will find it easier to do the right thing because it will be what she does without thinking about it. To do the wrong thing will require MORE thinking.
{added later} I wanted to share some more links on the topic of character training. Here's a link to a list of character traits, definitions and Scripture to go with them. It's from A Heart of Wisdom.
I've recently become a fan of the TLC show 20 and Counting, about the Duggar family. Here's their list of Character traits.
Come Tuesday morning to find out more on this topic and catch up on everybody's summer activities!
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